Certified tests of Firewall «SSG-520M» with ScreenOS version 6.1.0r1.0 were completed. The Certificate of Compliance №2207 confirms: Firewall «SSG-520M with ScreenOS version 6.1.0r1.0» (party of 8 copies), production of company Juniper Networks, Inc., is a hardware and software mean that does not contain information of state secrets, processed in local area networks with TCP / IP protocol, from unauthorized access from external computer networks and meets the requirements of the Guideline Document «Means of computer facilities. Firewalls. Data Unauthorized Access Protection. Parameters of security from not authorized access to the information (State Technical Commission, 1997) – the 3th class of security and can be used to create automated systems to a class of security 1G inclusive, in accordance with the requirements of the Guideline Document of FSTEK of Russia, “Automated Systems. Unauthorized Access Protection. Automated Systems Classification and Information Security Requirements” (State Technical Commission, 1992) and to create personal data information systems to a class 2 inclusive.

Web site of the manufacturer: http://www.juniper.net