Certified tests of software complex for static and dynamic analysis of control flow in the source code MS Visual Studio. NET C + + — program «IRIDA Sources»   were completed. The Certificate of Compliance №2158 confirms: Software complex for static and dynamic analysis of control flow in the source code MS Visual Studio. NET C + + — program «IRIDA Sources»,  production of company Gazinformservice LLC, is a software of a general purpose with built-in protection against unauthorized access to the information and meets the requirements of the Guideline Document of FSTEK of Russia “unauthorized access protection. Part 1. Information technology security products. Classification by the control level of the absence of undeclared features (NDF)” (State Technical Commission, 1999) – the 4th control level of absence of undeclared features and meets the technical requirements 4258-011-72410666-08.

You can order certified version of this product from the official contractor http://www.gaz-is.ru